Once Upon a Time in Žižkov, 2024

Welcome to the virtual gallery of my painting. Creating these oil paintings is the big joy of my life. Although I sometimes use other mediums, I consider painting with oil on canvas the perfect and lasting way to manifest my ideas or visions. I paint fine layered oil paintings and love to work with various colours and glazes. Paintings contains realistic elements, but the overall concept creates surreal or dream-like visual impressions. Sometimes they have a poetic content which could evoke reflection or contemplation, sometimes they are simply cheerful to please the spirit. For me, it is important to give positive and aesthetic impression, because I consider beauty an inseparable part of art. I am not concerned with topical subjects and I am not trying to convey any topical message to my audience. Rather, I am attempting to evoke timeless motives inspired by own experience or inner world. Some of my pictures have been painted with the intention of becoming part of collective thematic exhibitions.
For me, paintings are windows to the worlds behind the canvas, which somehow take on a life of their own. They are fusions of original ideas and the process of creation itself. I myself am often surprised to see the direction which a new painting is taking, and I watch with fascination how it is coming into the world. And when the painting is done and is drying in the studio, I watch it for a long time before I let it go out into the world. Once it is out there, some people may only give it cursory look when it hangs on some wall or at exhibitions. Someone else may bring it to his home and look at it attentively for the rest of his life. Some others may watch it on the computer screen or on their mobile phone in virtual galleries and may share it with their friends. Be that as it may, it always gives me joy to know that such a painting may be giving pleasure to someone watching it.