Portrait of S.P., 2017

I used to devote more time to portraits during my studies, but even now I sometimes paint custom portraits and hope to pursue portrait painting in the future. That is why I included this category, although it is not as comprehensive. Making a portrait is always a beautiful challenge for a painter, and I can never resist portraying people on canvas. I like to paint from a living model, but I am aware that not everyone has time to sit and model for hours in a studio, and therefore I also work with photography.
However, what’s involved is more than just replicating a photo onto the canvas. I try to extract the essence of one’s personality from a person’s face, add my own style, and frame the face (or the whole figure) within background environment that is relevant to that particular person.
If you would like to immortalize yourself, or your loved ones, on canvas through my artistic vision, please don’t hesitate to contact me.